The Most Important Issues Facing Youth in Northern Virginia: A Comprehensive Guide

Northern Virginia is home to a vibrant population of young people facing a variety of issues such as mental health concerns, discrimination, environmental justice, abusive lenders, tax inequity, and women's rights. This comprehensive guide explores these issues and

The Most Important Issues Facing Youth in Northern Virginia: A Comprehensive Guide

Northern Virginia is home to a vibrant and diverse population of young people, and they are facing a variety of issues that require attention. Mental health is a major concern, with 47% of high school students in the area reporting at least one episode of a mental health need in the past year. Virginia Organizing is actively advocating for an end to abusive lenders and for a fairer state tax structure that does not disproportionately affect low- and middle-income families. Discrimination is another issue that Virginia Organizing is working to address, whether it's housing discrimination in Richmond, paratransit problems in Hampton Roads, or the transition from school to prison in Montgomery County. Environmental justice is also a priority, as Virginia Organizing works with coalition partners to ensure that everyone has access to clean air and water.

Abusive car title loans and loans of indefinite duration have replaced payday loans, trapping many people in desperate financial situations. Low- and middle-income families in Virginia pay a higher proportion of their income in state and local taxes than wealthier families, and women's rights and access to health care are under attack. Access to health care is one of the main problems faced by Virginia Organizing members and other residents of their communities.

Mental Health: A Growing Concern

Mental health is an increasingly pressing issue for young people in Northern Virginia. According to recent data, nearly half of all high school students in the area have reported experiencing at least one episode of a mental health need in the past year. This alarming statistic highlights the need for increased awareness and access to mental health services for young people in the region. Virginia Organizing is committed to advocating for improved mental health services for young people in Northern Virginia.

The organization is working with local schools, community organizations, and healthcare providers to ensure that young people have access to the resources they need to manage their mental health needs.

Discrimination: A Barrier to Equality

Discrimination is another major issue facing young people in Northern Virginia. From housing discrimination in Richmond to paratransit problems in Hampton Roads, discrimination can take many forms and can have a significant impact on young people's lives. Virginia Organizing is working with coalition partners to address these issues and ensure that everyone has access to equal opportunities.

Environmental Justice: Ensuring Access to Clean Air and Water

Environmental justice is another priority for Virginia Organizing. The organization is working with coalition partners to ensure that everyone has access to clean air and water, regardless of their income or background.

This includes advocating for policies that protect vulnerable communities from environmental hazards such as air pollution and water contamination.

Abusive Lenders: Preying on Low-Income Families

Abusive car title loans and loans of indefinite duration have replaced payday loans, trapping many people in desperate financial situations. These predatory lenders often target low-income families who are unable to access traditional forms of credit. Virginia Organizing is working with coalition partners to end these abusive practices and ensure that all Virginians have access to fair lending practices.

Tax Inequity: Unfairly Targeting Low-Income Families

Low- and middle-income families in Virginia pay a higher proportion of their income in state and local taxes than wealthier families. This tax inequity places an unfair burden on those who can least afford it, making it harder for them to make ends meet.

Virginia Organizing is advocating for a fairer tax structure that does not disproportionately affect low-income families.

Women's Rights: Access to Health Care Under Attack

Women's rights are under attack across the country, including here in Virginia. Access to health care is one of the main issues facing women in the state, as they are often denied coverage or charged higher premiums than men. Virginia Organizing is committed to advocating for women's rights and ensuring that all Virginians have access to quality health care.


Young people in Northern Virginia face a variety of issues that require attention. From mental health concerns to discriminatory practices, there are many challenges that must be addressed if we are going to create a more equitable society for all Virginians.

Virginia Organizing is committed to advocating for improved services and policies that will benefit all Virginians.

Lisa Van Velde
Lisa Van Velde

Typical internet evangelist. Certified social media geek. Passionate twitter fanatic. Subtly charming zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Hardcore beer guru.